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It's Spider Season! No one should live with a fear of spiders

Writer's picture: Mark RobertMark Robert

It's that time of year again—kids are heading back to school, the evenings are getting shorter, and the spiders are coming out to play! If you dread going down to the garden shed or frantically check the bed before climbing in, you know just how limiting a fear of spiders can be.

But you don't have to live like this anymore. Hypnotherapy is a quick and effective way to get rid of your fear of spiders for good.

Your fear of spiders was given to you!

That's right—you read that correctly. Your fear of spiders was likely passed on to you by a loved one or caregiver when you were very young. What a "gift," right?

Between birth and the age of four, your brain develops at an astonishing rate. To manage all the new information, your mind creates shortcuts, much like how your phone or laptop auto-fills credit card information when you're shopping online. Your brain does the same thing for potentially dangerous situations so that you can react quickly in the future.

So when someone close to you probably screamed or panicked upon seeing a spider, your brain registered that as a auto-fill —spiders are bad, spiders are scary.

When you think about it, it's an incredible piece of programming in your brain. It took just a second to establish and has stayed with you throughout your life. The good news? If it took only a second to program in, it can take just a second to delete that auto-fill.

Deleting the auto-fill with hypnotherapy

Removing the fear of spiders is quite simple with hypnotherapy. It's achieved by shifting your mindset and changing your association with spiders, leading to new behaviors.

Think of it as cause and effect. The cause is seeing a spider, and the effect is your reaction to it. This is what we change. If you change the cause and effect, you can permanently delete that auto-fill!

Sounds simple? It is! Click below to learn more and schedule a free call. No one should have to live with a fear of spiders.



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